21 Ways to Reduce Stress During Your Work Day: Day # 20

Good Morning!

It’s Quick Tip Tuesday and our MBSR guidance from stress reduction expert Dr. Saki Santorelli is:

“When you pull into the driveway or park on the street, take a minute to orient yourself to being with your family members or to entering your home.”

As Pet Parents, we have a distinct advantage when it comes to this part of our Mindfulness Practice. No matter what we might be dealing with as we transition from the stressful work day, we are greeted by loving, grateful, excited cats, dogs, rabbits, birds, or other members of our menageries!

I don’t know about your routines, but I find that getting out in the backyard with my dogs or simply sitting with my cat on my lap is the best orientation to home I could have. The love they express for me and the joy they demonstrate centers me in the NOW, the present moment and makes me happy, no matter what is going on in my “other” life.

Tell me what your home greetings are like with your pets!

Laurel directs the Resource Center at www.veterinarywisdomprofessionals.com She co-founded and developed the Argus Institute at the Colorado State University Veterinary Teaching Hospital.

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